Landlor-Tenant Problems
What happens when landlords and tenants disagree? There are a lot of potential disagreements, and just as many potential resolutions. Whether the renter (tenant) is at fault, or landlord is being unreasonable, the law has a solution. In this article, Read complete article — Landlor-Tenant Problems

How to Rent a Home
Is renting a home different than renting an apartment? Yes and no. In regards to actually renting, renting a home and renting an apartment, or a condo, or a shack are all the same. However, renting a home does differ Read complete article — How to Rent a Home

Military Moving Tips
Military moves are different than normal moves. Sure, in both of them, you move stuff. But there are more things to consider with military moves. Here are some additional military moving tips. (Check here for general moving tips!) Top 8 Tips Read complete article — Military Moving Tips

How to Find a Good Landlord
Landlords are like credit cards. They give you a great opportunity if they accept your application. However, if you get a bad one, or if you can’t pay up on time, you’re going to end up in court. To avoid Read complete article — How to Find a Good Landlord

What Is a Partial DITY Move?
Letting the military move you? Well, try to at least fill up your station wagon, because you can get paid for a partial DITY move. Partial DITY moves are military moves where you move some of your stuff with you. Read complete article — What Is a Partial DITY Move?

What Is a Military Move?
Transferred to a new base? Military service members, whether in the Marines, Army, Air Force or Navy, all deal with the same common issue: moving. Service men and women are transferred to a new base roughly once every three years, Read complete article — What Is a Military Move?

Military Move Checklist
Transferred to a new military base? Military service members may move to a new base in two basic ways: (1) by letting the military handle it, or (2) by doing it themselves (called DITY or PPM). Whichever way service members Read complete article — Military Move Checklist

What Is a Military DITY Move?
DITY moves are great ways to earn money. Yeah, earn money, not save it. This is because the way the military has structured its relocation system. If a service member is required to move, the member may choose to let the government Read complete article — What Is a Military DITY Move?

How to Calculate the Government Constructive Cost
What is government constructive cost? For a PPM/DITY military move, the government constructive cost (GCC) is how much it would cost the government to move you. So, if it would cost the government $5,000 to move your two bedroom home Read complete article — How to Calculate the Government Constructive Cost

What Is a Personally Procured Transportation Move?
Is it DITY or PPM? It’s both. DITY (Do-It-Yourself) and PPM (Personally Procured Transportation Move) both refer to the same thing: when military service members plan and handle their own moves. Why would anybody want to do that, though? I Read complete article — What Is a Personally Procured Transportation Move?

Moving Out Cleaning Checklist
Got your bottle of 409 and scrubs? It’s almost time, then, to get cleaning your place for moving out. However, before you start wiping, mopping and digging up grime, take a look at out moving out cleaning checklist. MovingGuru.com’s Read complete article — Moving Out Cleaning Checklist

How to Clean a Place Before Moving
Need to clean before moving out? You can hire a cleaning service to do it for you, but that can run you over $200, depending on what exactly you need. (Learn about how much move out cleaners cost). If you Read complete article — How to Clean a Place Before Moving

How Much Does Move Out Cleaning Cost?
Is cleaning your place worth the price? If your rental deposit was only a couple hundred dollars, then maybe not. Cleaning services can provide deep cleans for your old home. Move out cleaning costs somewhere between $150 and $250 on Read complete article — How Much Does Move Out Cleaning Cost?

What Are Moving Out Cleaning Services?
Is your apartment a mess? Cause you’re going to need to clean it before you move out. Otherwise, your landlord will do it for you, then there goes your rental deposit… most of it, at least. But, man, you’ve reeallly Read complete article — What Are Moving Out Cleaning Services?

What to Remember When Moving
How’s your memory? Because on moving day, it’s going to be put to the test. You’re going to have to keep your mind on many things at once, while packing, loading, sweating and groaning. And if you have kids, or Read complete article — What to Remember When Moving

Should I Move Out on My Own?
Yes, if you’d enjoy it. Moving out alone is tough. However, it’s also exciting, liberating, rewarding, and fun. I mean, you get to walk around naked, if you’re into that. And you get to leave your bed unmade, your TV Read complete article — Should I Move Out on My Own?

Moving Box Packaging
Wondering how to stuff your moving boxes? Newspaper will do. No, really, it will. As will magazines, McDonalds bags, and junk mail. When balled up, they all help stuff your stuff in place in your moving boxes. However, if you Read complete article — Moving Box Packaging
Best Tape for Moving Boxes
It’s the little things, you know? Like moving box tape… I mean, who would think that the tape you use for moving boxes would matter? Well, it does, and I’ll tell you why: if you use the wrong tape, your Read complete article — Best Tape for Moving Boxes

What Is a Rental Lease?
Renting an apartment? A lease is an agreement (contract) between you and your landlord. It establishes the terms of your apartment rental – i.e. how long you will live on the property and for what price. A rental is one Read complete article — What Is a Rental Lease?
Philadelphia Local References
Moving to Philadelphia? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should do when moving to Philly. You’ll need to ring the Liberty Bell, muse around the museums, and chow down on some cheesesteaks. Oh, and don’t forget to mingle Read complete article — Philadelphia Local References
Washington, D.C. Local References
Moving to Washington, D.C.? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should do when moving to the nation’s capital. You’ll need to marvel at the museums and monuments, check out the rows of cherry trees, and eat at its Read complete article — Washington, D.C. Local References
Atlanta Local References
Moving to Atlanta? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should do when moving to Atlanta. You’ll need to view out the museums and many music venues. And you’ll need to check out the trees and flowers at the Read complete article — Atlanta Local References

Ways to Get Out of a Lease
Moving before your lease ends? Leases can seriously complicate any move. It’s one thing to have to pay for and plan a move; it’s an entirely different thing to do that with five months of rent left on your lease Read complete article — Ways to Get Out of a Lease

Packing and Moving Supplies You Should Use
Getting ready to move? Unless you’re going to hire someone to pack and move everything for you, you need to have the right tools on hand. And by “tools”, I mean moving supplies. There are many different packing and moving Read complete article — Packing and Moving Supplies You Should Use

What Are Moving Blankets?
Worried about something breaking during your move? Moving blankets protect large items, like wooden furniture and sculptures, from cracks and dents. In essence, they are blankets — big pieces of cloth. However, moving blankets usually come with extra reinforcement, tougher Read complete article — What Are Moving Blankets?

What Are Furniture Sliders?
Moving a Couch? Then you might want some furniture sliders, which can be placed on the feet of furniture, so that it may be slid across the floor without scratching it. Furniture sliders are a great way to move furniture Read complete article — What Are Furniture Sliders?

How to Save Money When Moving
Want to cheapen your move? There are many ways to save money when moving. Some are big-time budget cutters. Others can help save you a few dollars here and there. Both can help make your move more financially manageable. Read Read complete article — How to Save Money When Moving

What Is a Moving Contract?
You NEED a moving contract. If you’re moving without a moving contract, you are making a big mistake, and you could lose thousands of dollars for it. Moving contracts are written agreements between you and your moving company that establish Read complete article — What Is a Moving Contract?

Are Verbal Moving Estimates Bad?
“We’re looking at about $3,000,” says the mover, after talking to you on the phone for ten minutes or so. $3,000! You think. It’s more than you were expecting, but, then again, what exactly were you expecting? $3,000: it’ll work. Read complete article — Are Verbal Moving Estimates Bad?

Moving Tips
Want some moving know-how? I’m talking insight into the dirty secrets of moving companies, and advice for handling the hardest cross-country moves. I’m talking moving tips from moving experts who understand that moving means more than throwing money at U-Haul Read complete article — Moving Tips

In-House Moving Estimates
Want an accurate moving estimate? Over-the-phone or online moving quotes are great for giving you an idea of how much moving will cost. And sometimes they can lead you to a good moving company. However, they are not guaranteed accurate, Read complete article — In-House Moving Estimates

What Is a Binding Not-to-Exceed Moving Estimate?
Binding non-to-exceed agreements are just about as good as they get. Binding not-to-exceed moving estimates are not estimates at all. Estimates imply uncertainty; binding not-to-exceed is very certain. It establishes, in writing, how much you will pay for services, with Read complete article — What Is a Binding Not-to-Exceed Moving Estimate?

Over-the-Phone Moving Estimates
Is it okay to get an estimate over the phone? Sure. But don’t count on it being the final price. Over-the-phone estimates are great ways to get an idea of the answer to this question: how much does it cost Read complete article — Over-the-Phone Moving Estimates
Miami Local References
Moving to Miami? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should do when moving to Miami. For example, you should get sandals and ice cream and go to the beach. And you should eat a Cuban sandwich with a Read complete article — Miami Local References
Dallas Local References
Moving to Dallas? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you’ll need to experience when moving to Dallas. There’s the Texas brisket, the Texas State Fair, the Texas Rangers, the Texas toast… the Texas of it all. Texas. However, one thing that’s Read complete article — Dallas Local References
Los Angeles Local References
Moving to LaLaLand? We’re here to help. There’s much you should experience when moving to L.A. There’s the basking, the beaching, the burritos… Oh, and you’ll need to take figure out how to avoid the daily gridlock, where to buy some hip Read complete article — Los Angeles Local References
San Francisco Local References
Moving to San Francisco? We’re here to help. There’s much you should experience when moving to SF. There’s the food, the hiking, iconic destinations, like the Golden Gate Bridge, epic parks, and millions of people from all over the world. Read complete article — San Francisco Local References
Chicago Local References
Moving to Chicago? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should experience when moving to Chicago: the five-star greasy food, the shopping on Michigan Avenue, and the architecture, like the Sears Tower and the John Hancock Building. Oh, and Read complete article — Chicago Local References
Houston Local References
Moving to Houston? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should experience when moving to Houston. There’s the museum district, the nearby Gulf of Mexico, the bigger-than-life Texas cuisine. Also, you should figure out your commute, learn the Houston Read complete article — Houston Local References
New York City Local References
Moving to New York? We’re here to help. There’s a lot you should learn about when moving to the Big Apple. It has a dense public transit system, countless neighborhoods, and a bajillion restaurants, bars, clubs, parks and shops, ranging from Read complete article — New York City Local References

Types of Moving Estimates
Trying to get a price on moving? It’s more difficult than you might think. Sure, you can get some free moving quotes at MovingGuru.com, and you should, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are many different types Read complete article — Types of Moving Estimates

What Are Full Service Moving Companies?
Don’t want to lift a pinky during your move? Then you need a full-service moving company. Full-service moving companies handle everything from packing to driving, so you don’t have to. Full-service movers might do everything for you, but before you Read complete article — What Are Full Service Moving Companies?

Are There Affordable Packing Companies?
Finding an affordable packing service is possible. And I’m not talking about recruiting your family. No, I’m talking about people who know how to pack boxes harder than Mike Tyson packs a punch. In this article, we will discuss five Read complete article — Are There Affordable Packing Companies?

How Much Does a Packing Service Cost?
Want help packing your stuff? Unfortunately, it’ll cost you. Moving packing services require an additional moving bill, on top of a rental truck or a moving pod. And because they involve personal services, that bill can get quite steep, fast. However, Read complete article — How Much Does a Packing Service Cost?

Packing Services for Moving
Packing can take longer than moving. If you have a large home, packing up everything, from dishes to doormats, can take many hours. And packing correctly can take days. For those who don’t have time to spend on packing, there Read complete article — Packing Services for Moving

How to Transport Alcohol Over State Lines
Can you go to jail for transporting beer? You probably won’t. However, theoretically, it’s possible in some states. If you’re transporting alcohol within a state, you have nothing to worry about. However, transporting alcohol over state lines is a different. Read complete article — How to Transport Alcohol Over State Lines

What Is the Best Truck Rental Company?
The best truck rental is… Wait for it… It depends. Like so many things in life, there is no “best” moving truck rental company. Rather, there are many companies that range between good and bad, depending on the situation. If Read complete article — What Is the Best Truck Rental Company?

How to Get a Free Moving Expense Estimate
Get a free moving estimate in 2 minutes, tops. Moving estimates are essential to coming up with a good moving plan. Without at least an estimate, you have no idea what you should expect to pay, whether your moving budget Read complete article — How to Get a Free Moving Expense Estimate

Hurricane Survival Guide for Moving Somewhere with Hurricanes
Moving to the Atlantic Coast or the Gulf? The come like an army. They don’t hide; they just trudge forward, immense, imposing and unavoidable. And then, when they arrive, all hell breaks loose, with jet-like winds and rushes of seawater Read complete article — Hurricane Survival Guide for Moving Somewhere with Hurricanes

Tornado Survival Guide for Moving Somewhere with Tornadoes
Moving to tornado alley? Have you ever heard tornado sirens? They sounds like angels crying. And when the sky gets sickly green and the air gets still with storm, they begin to wail. When you hear them, it’s best to Read complete article — Tornado Survival Guide for Moving Somewhere with Tornadoes

Earthquake Survival Guide for Moving Somewhere with Earthquakes
Moving to an earthquake zone? If it’s minor, it feels like you’re on a boat in calm seas. The ground rolls gently beneath you, and loose items swing as if in a light breeze. If it’s major, you might as Read complete article — Earthquake Survival Guide for Moving Somewhere with Earthquakes

How Much Does Moving Cost?
Just want an idea of how much moving costs? Look no further. There are four basic ways to move, and each comes with its own price range. You can move on your own You can move with a rental truck Read complete article — How Much Does Moving Cost?

Terms to Include in Your Moving Contract
The worst thing you can do is hire movers without a contract. Seriously. It’s really dumb. They can abuse you very easily by adding terms and holding on to your stuff if you don’t pay their new price. The way Read complete article — Terms to Include in Your Moving Contract

How to Pack Boxes
What to do with those cardboard boxes? Packing boxes isn’t hard. In fact, after you read this article, you’ll know everything you’ll ever need to know about how to pack boxes. You’ll be able to pack boxes while daydreaming about Read complete article — How to Pack Boxes

What Are Cross-Country Moving Companies?
Cross-country movers are moving companies licensed to transport personal belongings across state lines. They also have the necessary resources to transport stuff for thousands of miles, which many local moving companies do not. Most cross-country moving companies are very well-known, because they have Read complete article — What Are Cross-Country Moving Companies?

What Are Office Movers?
Changing offices? You’re probably going to need some moving help, and that’s where officer movers come into play. Office movers are moving companies that specialize in relocating offices. That being said, office movers don’t do anything special. They move offices Read complete article — What Are Office Movers?

What Are National Moving Companies?
Nation-wide movers are moving companies licensed to transport personal belongings across state lines. They also have the necessary resources to transport stuff for thousands of miles, which many local moving companies do not. Most national moving companies are very well-known, because they have Read complete article — What Are National Moving Companies?

How to Ship Boxes in the Mail
Mailing boxes is a great idea. Mailing your moving boxes can be far cheaper than hiring a moving service, a you-pack service or a delivery service. The average moving box filled with $35/lbs will run you about $50 online. Not Read complete article — How to Ship Boxes in the Mail

What Are Long-Distance Moving Companies?
Long-distance movers are moving companies licensed to transport personal belongings across state lines. They have the necessary resources to transport stuff for thousands of miles. So, they are capable of handling cross-state moves, even if it’s New York to California. Read complete article — What Are Long-Distance Moving Companies?

Cheapest Way to Ship Boxes
Finding cheap shipping can be done. There are four steps to finding the cheap shipping. First, though, you need to determine if shipping is an option. If you’re going to ship items, they need to fit in a moving box. Read complete article — Cheapest Way to Ship Boxes

How to Load a Moving Pod
Got a moving pod? It’ll be hard to control your excitement when you first see your moving pod. How will you fill it? When will you fill it? Oh, how metal-ly it is! However, you should take a few minutes Read complete article — How to Load a Moving Pod

What Is a Local Moving Company?
Local moving companies differ from long-distance moving companies in two major ways. First, they usually only deal with in-state moves. Second, they are smaller, which can lead to a different moving experience. In this article, we will discuss the basics Read complete article — What Is a Local Moving Company?

Get Free Moving Quotes
Want free moving quotes? Look no further than MovingGuru.com! Here are all the moving quotes you can handle: Moving is like going on vacation forever. The best movers are friends and family. Moving can be fun, but not when it Read complete article — Get Free Moving Quotes

How to Ship Guns and Firearms
Are you a weapons owner? Gun can complicate any move. Some moving services refuse to transport them, and weapons-shipping laws can be difficult to work around. That being said, it’s entirely possible to move your guns from your old home Read complete article — How to Ship Guns and Firearms

How to Get Free Online Moving Quotes
Doesn’t the Internet rock? I mean, everything is right here for you… no need to sit on hold and listen to bad tunes from 1983, no need to discuss things with some jerk who mentally checked out three hours ago. I Read complete article — How to Get Free Online Moving Quotes

How to Find the Best Moving Company Reviews
Can’t find your moving company online? Checking your moving company’s reputation is very important. There are a lot of bad movers out there, and even some outright moving scams. Reading reviews is the best way to avoid those problems. But Read complete article — How to Find the Best Moving Company Reviews

What Is a Binding Moving Estimate?
Want a moving quote that you can depend on? Binding moving estimates are essentially contracts that lay out the price for moving services. A person with a binding moving estimate knows exactly how much their move will cost, or at Read complete article — What Is a Binding Moving Estimate?

Why You Should Get Multiple Moving Quotes
Think of it like hamburgers… Prices for a burger range from $1 to $20. It depends on who is cooking it, what it’s made of, and what part of town you’re in. Moving companies are similar in a lot of Read complete article — Why You Should Get Multiple Moving Quotes

What Size Storage Unit Do I Need?
You know what would suck? Spending too much on storage. The easiest way to do this is by renting a storage unit that’s too big. But how does the average person know what size storage unit is right for them? Read complete article — What Size Storage Unit Do I Need?

What Are Moving Pods?
Are moving pods a vegetable? No, they’re big metal containers for your stuff. But they can be as good for you move as vegetables are for your body. Moving pods, also known as you-pack containers and moving cubes, allow you Read complete article — What Are Moving Pods?

Best Locks for Storage Units
Many self-storage units do not come with locks. If that’s the case, you’ll need to get your own lock for your self storage unit. And the type of lock you get matters. Getting a bad lock is like driving without Read complete article — Best Locks for Storage Units

How to Ship Boxes
Do you need to ship boxes to another city? Think about it: you can pack a few boxes of stuff, ship them in the mail, then fly to your new home with just a suitcase or two. Wouldn’t that be Read complete article — How to Ship Boxes

Tips for Moving on Your Own
So, you’re flying solo, huh? Packing up and getting out of dodge like how the outlaws of the Wild West used to do it, right? Loner-style. Vagabondish. No frills — all guts and 5 o’clock shadow. Well, if you follow Read complete article — Tips for Moving on Your Own

How to Check a Moving Company’s Reputation
Is your moving company trustworthy? Like anything, the moving world is filled with scams and shady businesses. Even if people aren’t outright robbed, they can be victimized by an unlicensed or poorly-equipped moving company. But how can you determine whether Read complete article — How to Check a Moving Company’s Reputation

How Much Do Moving Companies Charge?
Want to get a good deal on your move? In order to get a good moving price, you need to know what a good moving price is. Moving companies charge their customers in many different ways, leading to a wide Read complete article — How Much Do Moving Companies Charge?

Where to Find Cheap Self Storage
Looking for storage under $100 a month? A self storage unit might just be an empty room, but it’s surprisingly expensive. Just a 10×10 foot room can run a renter over $130 a month, and that’s not including climate control or Read complete article — Where to Find Cheap Self Storage

Flat Rate Moving Company Pros and Cons
Is a flat rate the best rate? Well, it depends. 95% of the time, someone will benefit from a flat rate, but it isn’t always the customer. Sometimes it’s the moving company that gets the “deal”. For example, say a Read complete article — Flat Rate Moving Company Pros and Cons

How to Move Alone
Moving alone is the cheapest way to move. It involves doing everything yourself, though. You need to pack the boxes, after you buy the boxes, and before you load them into your vehicle, which you’ll drive, of course, and unload… on Read complete article — How to Move Alone

What Are Business Storage Units?
Do you need self storage for your business? Self storage units can be very useful for businesses of all sizes. Usually cheaper than rental properties per square foot, business storage units are a great way for a business to save money Read complete article — What Are Business Storage Units?

How to Transport a Pet
Wondering how you’ll get your pet to your new home? Transporting a pet is not easy, cheap or fun. It’s kind of like moving a bed, except a bed can’t soil itself and run under the neighbor’s car. Fortunately, those Read complete article — How to Transport a Pet

How Much Does Self Storage Cost?
Wondering what a good price for storage is? Public storage, also known as self storage, allows you to store your belongings outside of your home or apartment. Its very convenient, especially for those with limited space in their places. However, Read complete article — How Much Does Self Storage Cost?

What Is Mini Storage?
Mini storage isn’t anything unique, really. Mini storage is self storage, just with the word “mini” used, instead of “locker”, “public”, or “climate-control“. No, mini self storage doesn’t mean you get a tiny space for a fraction of the price Read complete article — What Is Mini Storage?

Do I Need Climate-Controlled Storage?
If you are storing perishables, then yes. Climate-controlled storage units allow you to control the humidity and temperature levels in the storage unit. While this might not matter for, say, a plastic chair, it can be vital for a delicate Read complete article — Do I Need Climate-Controlled Storage?

Moving to Oakland, CA
Oakland, the Bay Area Bruise, the crime capital of the U.S., the subject of countless “don’t go there” conversations. For decades, Oakland maintained a bad reputation. However, recently, this has changed dramatically. Oakland is now widely regarded as an artsy, Read complete article — Moving to Oakland, CA

What Are Interstate Moving Companies?
Interstate movers are moving companies licensed to transport personal belongings across state lines. They also have the necessary resources to transport stuff for thousands of miles, which many local moving companies do not. However, with longer moves comes greater responsibility. Interstate movers need Read complete article — What Are Interstate Moving Companies?

Moving to Tampa, FL
Tampa was built on the back of the cigar. In 1929, “Cigar City” produced 500 million cigars for consumption around the world. Today the industry still exists, but Tampa has evolved into a world city with a diverse economy and Read complete article — Moving to Tampa, FL

Moving to St. Louis, MO
St. Louis is commonly called the Gateway to the West, because of the pivotal role it played in our nation’s westward expansion. Today the Gateway Arch symbolizes America’s shift from east to west, as does the Mississippi river, which rushes Read complete article — Moving to St. Louis, MO

Moving to Seattle, WA
Seattle, named the Emerald City for the large, evergreen forests that surround it, is the Northwest’s crown jewel. Amongst its forests are bright blue channels of sea and spanning bridges. Beyond its natural beauty, Seattle is a massive center for Read complete article — Moving to Seattle, WA
Moving to Sacramento, CA
In a state with San Francisco and Los Angeles, it’s surprising to learn that a smaller inland city is home to California’s politics. Yet, Sacramento, also known as Cap-City is just that. It is California’s state capitol, home to its Read complete article — Moving to Sacramento, CA

Moving to Portland, OR
They call it Rose City, because Portland’s wet climate is perfect for growing the red flower, and rose gardens sprout up all around the area. Portland could easily be called “Green City”, too, though. It’s a city lush with trees, Read complete article — Moving to Portland, OR

Moving to Pittsburgh, PA
Steel City was born on the back of the metal industry, which helped build America throughout the late 1800’s and early-to-mid 1900’s, leading to Pittsburgh’s role as a major American metropolis. Though the need for steel has tapered some in Read complete article — Moving to Pittsburgh, PA

Moving to Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Minneapolis and Saint Paul are aptly referred to as the Twin Cities. They are two major metropolises situated side by side, offering their residents the best of both worlds, literally. And their bests are quite good. They offer stellar parks, Read complete article — Moving to Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

Moving to Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas is well known as the City of Sin, the world’s capital of glitz, glamour, gambling and excess. Millions of people visit its infamous strip to partake in its indulgences, ranging from pools to poker to $1 shrimp cocktails. Read complete article — Moving to Las Vegas, NV

Moving to Kansas City, MO
Kansas City (KC) is commonly referred to as the City of Fountains, and for good reason: the city has over 200 of them, including one of the world’s largest at its baseball field, Kauffman Stadium. But nestled among the flowing Read complete article — Moving to Kansas City, MO

Moving to Detroit, MI
Despite popular belief, the Motor City is still motoring. The car industry, led by Ford and GM, is revitalized, and Detroit is attracting new firms in the biotechnology and communications fields. Its downtown is returning, and many of its once-dead Read complete article — Moving to Detroit, MI

Moving to Denver, CO
Denver is known as the Mile-High City, because it’s exactly that: 5,280 feet above see level. From a mile up, it looks down at the rest of the Great Plains as the region’s premiere metropolis, a city that boasts innovation, Read complete article — Moving to Denver, CO

Moving to Cleveland, OH
The Sixth City was once one of the most influential large cities in the US. In 1920, it actually broke from its nickname, becoming the fifth largest city in the US. Since then, Cleveland has seen a steady decline in Read complete article — Moving to Cleveland, OH

Moving to Cincinnati, OH
Known as the Tri-State, the Cincinnati metro bridges three different states – Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. It also bridges the present with the past, when Cincinnati was one of America’s most booming cities. Today, it holds a number of festivals Read complete article — Moving to Cincinnati, OH

Moving to Charlotte, NC
Charlotte was named after Queen Charlotte Sophia of England. Today “Crown Town” still maintains its air of wealth and glamour. It is the financial center of the American South, behind only New York in banking, and it offers its residents Read complete article — Moving to Charlotte, NC

Moving to Indianapolis, IN
Indy, they call it, and appropriately so. Indianapolis isn’t just a city in Indiana; it’s the everything of Indiana. It’s the capital, the commercial center, the largest city (by far), and the cultural landmark of Indiana. There’s no reason to Read complete article — Moving to Indianapolis, IN