What to do with those cardboard boxes?

Packing boxes isn’t hard. In fact, after you read this article, you’ll know everything you’ll ever need to know about how to pack boxes. You’ll be able to pack boxes while daydreaming about packing boxes.

For reals.

So, what’s the trick?

How to Pack Boxes in Seven Steps

  1. Build them – Most moving boxes come flat.  You need to build them.  Each box is different; look for directions on the moving boxes or on the box the moving boxes came in.
  2. Insert packaging – Place a bit of packaging on the bottom of the box before you insert anything.
  3. Pack like items – Group your stuff by the type of thing it is (dishes) or the room they’re going to (kitchen).
  4. Insert more packaging – As you pack, continue to insert more packaging. Make sure the packaging holds any fragile items very firmly in place.
  5. Weight it – Make sure not to overload the boxes, especially with heavy items. You don’t need a scale; just do it by feel. If it seems too heavy, it probably is.
  6. Tape – Tape the edges of the box and the crack where the flaps meet.
  7. Label – Label the box based on where it’s going and what’s in it (i.e. dishes, kitchen). Do this immediately – you don’t want to forget what’s in there.

And just like that, you’re a boxing expert.


Where to Find Free Moving Boxes

Hiring a Packing Company

How to Load a Moving Pod