Do I Need an Employee Relocation Agreement?

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What is an employee relocation agreement?

If your employer has asked you to move, an employee relocation agreement will define which costs you will be expected to cover, and which costs your employer will cover for you. Basically, it’s a contract between you and your employer that addresses moving costs.

However, just because your employer has asked you to move does not mean you need an employee relocation agreement. Read on to learn about when you need a relocation agreement.

Read Your Employment Contract

Many large corporations and LLCs (as well as some smaller businesses) have written employment agreements that detail your rights and duties as an employee. These contracts might discuss moving costs. If they do, then they double as an employee relocation agreement.

Talk to Your Superior

If your boss has asked you to move, ask him or her about relocation expenses. You can rely to an extent on what your boss tells you. If he or she says the company will cover everything and to just send them the bill, your move is ostensibly fully covered.

When You Need an Employee Relocation Agreement

Anytime your move is not fully covered, or anytime you feel a bit confused or wary of coverage, ask for a breakdown of coverage in writing. Even better, once you get a moving estimate, run it by your superiors, and make sure they are willing to cover it, and get their written approval. The written approval, especially if signed and dated, will serve as a guaranteed employee relocation agreement. With it, you can rest assured that all your expenses will be covered.


Learn about when you can deduct employment relocation costs from your taxes.