What is a futon, you ask?

A futon is really just a big pillow. A big pillow that you sleep on like a mattress. It doesn’t offer spring-loaded, foam-cuddly support, but for sensitive backs, a futon is actually better – it provides a flatter sleep.

Futons are the best things a destitute mover has going for them. I mean, if you’re trying to make it big in New York City by way of Kansas and with $500 to your name, you best not be moving a queen-sized bed across the country. No way. Go with a futon.

In this article we will explain why you should get a futon and how to move with a futon.

Reasons to Buy a Futon

They’re cheap – Futons can run as little at $70. You can get nicer ones for many hundreds. Most of the price differential is attributed to the frame, which isn’t necessary. The pad itself can be found for under $50.

They’re flexible – Futons can be couches or beds, depending on how you fold the frame. Or you don’t need to use a frame and just let the futon sit on the floor, Japanese-style.

They’re easy to move – Futons can be rolled, folded and squished into the backseat of a car, so just about anyone can move with one. Additionally, a single person or normal size can carry (or drag) a futon.

How to Move a Futon

Photo courtesy of threepwolfe @ flickr.com

Where to Buy a Futon

Futons can be had just about anywhere, including large department stores, like Target, furniture stores, like IKEA, bedding stores (obviously), and a local arts and craft shops.

How to Move a Futon

Moving a futon is a cake walk compared to a bed.

  1. Place a string of sturdy, tie-able rope on the ground.
  2. Lay the futon on the rope.
  3. Roll the futon as tightly as possible
  4. Tie the rolled up futon in place.
  5. Carry it to car/truck.

Protip: For the best moving for cheap/destitute/winging-it wildly movers, don’t even bother to bring the frame. Sleep with the futon on the floor. You can buy a frame later once you’re settled in life.


Learn more about how to move on your own.